iTEK Cumbria: Ready to Elevate Your Business to The Cloud!

Organisations across the country are unlocking new levels of possibility by harnessing the potential of the Cloud in their day-to-day work. Call our team of friendly, local experts today (we know a thing or two about Clouds in Cumbria!) for a jargon-free, real-world driven chat about how we can help you join them.

Cloud O365 Hosted Solutions
Cloud Based Email Hosting

Cloud-Based Email Hosting

Virtual Server Hosting

If your organisation is still using multiple physical servers to support your work, we can support you to utilise the power of virtual servers to transform your operations. With the right infrastructure in place, which we can deliver, one physical server (which could even be in an offsite data centre) can host
multiple virtual servers, giving you access to the server capacity your work demands without having all that hardware on your site.

Transitioning to virtual servers will free up precious space and save you real money on your energy bills. Running and cooling server hardware drains your energy budget and uses up valuable labour hours – all resource better served generating impact and progress across your organisation.

Virtual Server Hosting

Microsoft Teams


The collaborative power of Teams is enhanced by SharePoint, which provides for cloud-based access to shared documents. This enables your team to work together on one document in real-time, while in a meeting. Come the end of your call, rather than a list of updates and actions to implement, your whole team will have access to a refined, finished document, ready to put to use.

No matter if your technical vision has never been clearer or if you can’t quite see where the Cloud can take you, get in touch with iTek Cumbria today to take the first step to a bright future of simpler, streamlined workplace IT that brings your team closer together, wherever they are.


Ready to get started?

Contact us today to discuss Cloud & M365