Get connected with iTek Cumbria

Internet connectivity and Wi-Fi have become must-haves for almost any organisation over the last decade. Despite how widespread connectivity networks have now become, the reality remains that many of us still struggle with slow connections. At iTEK Cumbria, we believe that nothing should stand in the way of good connectivity for all – get in touch today to find out how we can support you to unlock faster speeds for your business.

internet connectivity
Cloud Based Email Hosting

Broadband Solutions

Full Coverage

Our Commercial Wi-Fi solutions deliver secure wireless access for your staff and visitors, allowing you to seamlessly run your organisation. We focus on achieving full coverage wherever you need it – in the office, meeting room, kitchen, car park… our team can deliver wireless solutions to get your team connected no matter where you work.

Accommodating visitors is key for any organisation, whether your visitors are customers or client leads, suppliers or partners. You need to provide them with a trustworthy wireless connection which they can access from a phone, a tablet and a laptop to allow them to make the most of their visit – don’t let a vital meeting be sabotaged by faltering Wi-Fi!

Our Secure Guest Access solutions provide safe wireless connections which you can rely on without giving visitors access to your main network. If visitors to your office are left, phones to the sky, hoping for 4G signal, call iTEK Cumbria today to learn how we can get you a fast, secure and highly professional guest Wi-Fi network that shows you mean business.

Full Coverage 1
Protect Your Data

Protect Your Data

Unlock a Faster Future

More and more, we are learning to take internet connectivity for granted. At iTEK, we know that the work which goes into delivering it is vital and must be done to exacting standards to make sure our customers get the speeds and capacity they need. Across our solutions, we can incorporate backup resilience and redundancy to keep you online, as put simply, without internet, the vast majority of all of our organisations grind to a halt. That makes quality connectivity well worth investing in – call iTEK today to find out how we can help you unlock a faster, more reliable future.

Unlock a Faster Future 1

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to discuss connectivity & Wi-Fi